Asian Pacific Journal of Disease management

Asian Pacific Journal of Disease management
Volume 1 Number 1 January 2007


【Leading Article】

Masaharu Ito
Health Care System Reform and Measures against Lifestyle-Related Diseases
– A Keynote Lecture of the JSHSS Symposium, “Metabolic Syndrome Examinations
and Health Guidance Programs, and Casesof Practice in Regions and at Work”
on July 21, 2006 –



Shinya Matsuda Health promotion policy in Japan



Masayuki Tanaka and Shinya Matsuda
The Feasibility analysis of Disease Management Programs in Japan
– The Literature Review in the Occupational Health Setting –


Kiyohide Fushimi and Shinya Matsuda
Application of Diagnosis Procedure Combination Case Mix System
and National Patient Database to RegionalEstimation of Disease Structure
and Disease Management


Masato Ito, Hisashi Hanada, Yukako Fujii and Ken Takahashi
Health Support Program for CoronaryRisk in the Occupational Setting
– Evaluation of the Coronary Heart Disease Risk Model for Screening –

Edited by the JSHSS Editorial Committee

Managing Editor: S. Matsuda
Editor: T. Fukuda, T. Hosaka, S. Ikeda, A.Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, G. L. Mayer,
M. Moriyama and T. Tashiro